Obstacles of Applying Active Learning Strategies in Teaching Science from the Perspectives of the Basic Stage Teachers in Nablus Governorate
Publication Type
Original research

This study aims at identifying the obstacles of applying active learning strategies from the perspectives of science teachers of the basic stages in Nablus Governorate.

The study takes a stratified random sample of 20% from teachers in the field of science teaching. The sample incorporates 152 teachers, 45 are males; addition to, 107 females.

A questionnaire has been conducted to fulfill the objectives of the study.  The questionnaire consists of 28 items listed according to the Fifth Likert Scale. The reliability of the questionnaire has been assessed by a group of Academic Staff. Moreover, the stability coefficient of the tool has been extracted according to Cronbach Alpha Equation, which has amounted to (0.85).

The results of the study show that there are statistical differences between teachers’ answers regarding the obstacles of employing active learning for the basic stages in Nablus Governorate, according to gender variables in favor of females. Furthermore, the study indicates that there are no statistical differences among teachers’ answers about the obstacles of employing the strategies of active learning according to the following variables: academic qualifications, majors and years of experience.

The researchers recommend that teachers should be provided with guidance materials to help them in employing active learning strategies. Also, training workshops should be implemented on active learning, and how to be used in practice.

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