Effect of Educational Computer Based Designed Games Designed On the Academic Achievement and the Creative Thinking Of students of the 5th basic grade in Science at UNRWA Schools
Publication Type
Original research


     This study aimed at identifying the effect of Educational Computer Based Designed Games Designed on the academic achievement and creative thinking in science for the 5th Basic class students at UNRWA schools.

To answer the questions of this study a Quasi[u1] -experimental design was used. The sample consisted of (80) students of the fifth grade. The study was conducted in the second semester of the year (2016/2017). The sample was distributed into two groups: experimental group and control group.

Two tools were used for data collection: the achievement test and a test of the students creative thinking skills. [u2] The tools were[u3]  verified in terms of reliability[u4]  and validity.

The hypothesis was tested at significance level (α = 0.05) using two way ANCOVA. The results showed that there were statistically significant[u5]  differences between achievement of the experimental group and the control group due to teaching[u6]  method in favor of the experimental group. Also there were no significant differences due to gender. Also there were statistically significant[u7]  differences due to interaction between the method of teaching gender in favor of the experimental group. There were no significant differences between students creative thinking due to teaching method[u8]  while there were significant differences in creative thinking due to gender in favor of female students.


مجلة النجاح للأبحاث
جامعة النجاح الوطنية
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