10513220 - Educational Readings in English Language
Course Title
Course Number
Educational Readings in English Language
Instructor Name
Suzan Arafat
Contact Information
[email protected]
Semester(s) and academic year(s)
First Semester 2020
Compulsory / Elective
Course Description


The course presents varieties of reading texts about different educational issues. The texts are chosen from up - to  date references related to educational and psychological issues in the classroom.

Course Objectives

The course presents different reading materials for students.  It trains students to read look for main ideas , discuss the issues, translate. It enriches students vocabulary.

Intended learning Outcomes and Competences

Stdents are expected to:


  1. read the texts and discusses the main concepts.



  1. analyze the text for comprehensive understanding.


  1. apply and try to generate some of the facts they are faced with focus on the form and meaning  of the key concepts


  1. Derive different forms of the vocabulary learned from the texts.

Stdents are expected to:


  1. read the texts and discusses the main concepts.



  1. analyze the text for comprehensive understanding.


  1. apply and try to generate some of the facts they are faced with focus on the form and meaning  of the key concepts


  1. Derive different forms of the vocabulary learned from the texts.


Stdents are expected to:


  1. read the texts and discusses the main concepts.



  1. analyze the text for comprehensive understanding.


  1. apply and try to generate some of the facts they are faced with focus on the form and meaning  of the key concepts


  1. Derive different forms of the vocabulary learned from the texts.
  1. Translate parts of the texts.


  1. Give their opinion about the reading Texts.
Textbook and References

Collections of different essays from various up-to-date references, For each essay students are going to have a list of references for further reading.

Assessment Criteria
Activity Percent (%)
First Test 20%
Second Test 20%
Participation 10%
Final (written and Practical) 50%