Phonetics - 7241206
Course Title
Course Number
Instructor Name
Tala Nazzal
Contact Information
[email protected]
Semester(s) and academic year(s)
Second Semester 2019
Compulsory / Elective
Course Description

This is a course in phonetics. It explains how speech sounds are produced. It covers topics related to the basic components of speech.

Course Objectives

It aims at teaching student phonetic transcription of normal and disordered speech.


Intended learning Outcomes and Competences
  1. Understand anatomical and physiological bases of speech sounds.
  2. Identify the different categories of sounds and how they are used.
  3. Understand standard descriptive systems for characterizing production of speech sounds and speech sound errors
  4. Being able to phonetically transcribe normal and disordered speech. 
Textbook and References

Title: Investigating to Clinical Phonetics and Language

Edited by: Fay Windsor, M. Louise Kelly & Nigel Hewlett 

Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers

Year: 2008


Title: Methods in clinical Phonetics

Authors: Martin J Ball & Orla M. Lowry 

Publisher: Whurr Publishers 

Year: 2001


Assessment Criteria
Activity Percent (%)
First Exam 25%
Second Exam 25%
Final Exam 50%