Manal Badrasawi
Nature of Work
Associate Professor
Email Address
[email protected]

Manal Badrasawi

Nature of Work
Associate Professor
Email Address
[email protected]
Applied nutrition and dietetic - 497508/2758
Course Title
Applied nutrition and dietetic
Course Number
Instructor Name
Manal Badrasawi
Contact Information
[email protected]
Semester(s) and academic year(s)
First Semester 2019
First Semester 2018
Compulsory / Elective
Course Description

This course covers the  concepts related to nutrients and energy with respect to the digestion, absorption and their requirements throughout the life cycle. Theory and practice nutrition care processand  methods of assessing the nutritional status; dietary intake,  anthropometric measurements, body composition, clinical and biochemical assessment. Nutritional databases and software used for meal planning and diet intake assessment will be included.

Course Objectives
  • The course covers the basic kknowelde regarding the nutrition requirement of macronutritns and micronutrients and their changes during the lifecycle
  • Study the nutrition related problem according to life cycle
  • Cover the nutritioncare process stages and importance  
  • Study in details the nutrition assessment methods
  • Study the diet intake assessment, methods, sources of errors , diet assessment in research
  • Learn the standard ways of anthropoetric measurments and body composition with wide cover of the instruments that are used in body composition assessment ( strength and limitation)
  • Study the biochemical assessment for the nutritional status, with focus on the biochemical assessment in hospitals and the correct ointerpretation of the results
  • Finally to learn the importance and technique of the clinical assessment of nutrition status.
Intended learning Outcomes and Competences
  • The students will be able to understand the changes in the nutrition requirement through the life cyle
  • The students will be famililar with the nutrition related issues according to life cyle
  • The studnets will understand the importance and the technique of nutrition care process and its implementation
  • The studnets will be able to differentiate between the nutrition assessment and nutrition screening
  • The students will be able to evaluate the nutrition screening and assessment tool
  • The studens will be able to use the growth charts for infancy and childhood nutrition status
  • The studnets will have the theorititical part of the anthropometric measurement, the land marks and measuring techniques
  • The theoretical knowledge of body composition assessment, methods, intruments, limitations and cource of errors
  • The clinical assessment of the patients with  nutrition problems ( myscle wating, loss of subcutaneous fat and cganges in the dietary intake and behaviours

The studens will comprhensivly learn about the biochemical assessment for nutritional status, what are the lab test, when they are required and their clinical interpretation

Textbook and References

Nutrition Assessmnet , Lee and Nieman 2016 , 7th edition

Assessment Criteria
Activity Percent (%)
reports 20%
presentation 10%
exams 70%