Nidal Jaradat
Nature of Work
Director of Pharmacy Department
Email Address
[email protected]
Office Phone
(+970) 9 2345113 Ext. 2137

Nidal Jaradat

Nature of Work
Director of Pharmacy Department
Email Address
[email protected]
Office Phone
(+970) 9 2345113 Ext. 2137
عقاقير طبية - 7303306
Course Title
عقاقير طبية
Course Number
Instructor Name
Nidal Jaradat
Contact Information
[email protected]
Semester(s) and academic year(s)
First Semester 2021
First Semester 2020
First Semester 2019
Compulsory / Elective
Course Description


هذا المساق يُعطي الطلاب معلومة أولية عن النباتات الطبية وأنواعها، وطرق جمعها، وحفظها، واستعمالها، وأشهر مكوناتها الفعالة ويشمل أيضاً الاسم العلمي للنبات والادويه المصنعه منها.

Course Objectives


This course provides the pharmacy students with basic knowledge about medicinal plants mainly n Palestine, in terms of their types, ways of collection and storage, scientific names, parts used, evidence based medical uses of each plant, active constituents, and mode of action, side effects, contraindications, herb drug interactions and their medications in Palestinian Pharmaceutical market.

Intended learning Outcomes and Competences

a-  Knowledge and Understanding:

a.1. To recognize classifications of medicinal plants

a.2. To list the biological sources for each plant.

a.3. To describe the Palestinian medicinal plants.

a.4. To explain the biologically active principles in each plant

part (seeds, fruits, roots and rhizomes)  and their uses

a.5. To identify the medications in Palestine  which made from plants


b- Intellectual Skills.

b.1. To explain the side effect of medicinal plants according to their constituents.

b.2. To apply evidence based medicine for medicinal plants.

c- Professional and Practical Skills:

c.1. To solve problems in case of ingestion of harmful plants.

c.2. To carry out research projects about folk plants remedies

c.3. To write reports about medicinal plants with narcotic effects.

c.4. To demonstrate the herb-drugs interactions and contraindications for patients.


d- General and transferable skills:

d.1. Search Internet data base for medicinal plants.

d.2. Independent  learning

d.3. Appreciate team work in seminar.

Textbook and References


-Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy,2016



-Published scientific papers.

- Pharmacognosy and pharmacobiotechnology Robbers, J. E., Speedie, M. K., Tyler, V. E., & Tyler, V. E.. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. 2018

Assessment Criteria
Activity Percent (%)
MT 30%
Project 1 10%
Project 2 10%
Final 30%