Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation from Microwave Ovens on Worker's Health at Cafeterias in some Universities in Palestine
نوع المنشور
ورقة مؤتمر
النص الكامل

This study highlights the effects of electromagnetic radiation from microwave
ovens on the health of the workers who are exposed to microwave radiation
during their work at cafeterias in four higher educational institutions in northern
part of Palestine. The sample consists of 28 workers in all cafeterias.
Measurements of heart pulse rate, blood oxygen saturation, tympanic
temperature, systolic and diastolic blood pressure were taken three times
between (8:00-8:30) am and another three times at the same day (2:00 till 2:30
pm) at the end of their shift. The results demonstrate that the average of the
measured values of radiation leakage equals 46.126 mW/m2
. The average values
of radiation leakage are small compared with the standard value which equals
5104 mW/m2 recorded by American National Standard Institute. It has been
concluded that there is a correlation between radiation leakage from microwave
ovens with oven's age, distance from oven, and the duration of use. Using
measurable health parameters to detect the effect on workers' health reveals
that there is no dangerous health effects of microwave radiation from microwave
ovens used in the cafeterias of the university under study.

عنوان المؤتمر
The Fourth Palestinian Conference on Modern Trends in Mathematics and Physics (PCMTMP-IV), At Al-Quds University - Jerusalem
دولة المؤتمر
تاريخ المؤتمر
1 أغسطس، 2014 - 1 أغسطس، 2014
راعي المؤتمر