Enhancing Teacher Preparation Through Actionable Self-Studies: Focus on Palestinian Teacher Training Programs
نوع المنشور
ورقة مؤتمر

Given the unique sociopolitical conditions in the Palestinian territories, the educational system has become a focal point of interest for many, both at the local and global levels. This has been reflected in the recent efforts  to  reform  schools  by  establishing  educational  standards  and  accountability  measures.  Because learning is seen as an outcome of teaching, researchers and school reformers have paid closer attention to the way teachers are prepared prior to being hired in schools. At the same time, teacher education has been gaining a lot of attention to ensure that pre-service teachers are well-prepared to carry out their professional

roles effectively in the 21st century.  This underscores the importance of teacher education programs at the


Palestinian institutions of higher education.  While such programs face many challenges and obstacles, they have exciting opportunities to play a vital role in enhancing desired educational outcomes in Palestinian schools. In addition, teacher preparation has changed dramatically in the recent years in light of the ever- changing sociopolitical realities in the Palestinian territories. As accountability measures evolved, the traditional  approaches  to preparing  teachers have  been  revisited  in  light  of  students’  expectations  and aspirations to be successful in the technologically advanced world.  Accordingly, the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) has adopted new initiatives and standards to assess and evaluate educational outcomes in general and teacher quality in particular.   The study was conducted during the

2016-2017 academic year at one the Palestinian universities in the West Bank where the researcher spent his sabbatical and Fulbright residency.  The overall approach and research design of this study are based on the action research elements and cycles. Multiple internal and external data sources are funneled to pinpoint significant trends and practices, areas of strength and improvement, challenges and opportunities, problems and solutions, and more importantly the input and output of program outcomes and directions. The findings of the study revealed complex factors that impact teacher preparation in this unique part of the world. Results highlighted key curricular and pedagogical elements that have contributed to the development of prospective  teachers’  skills.    At  the  same  time,  the  findings  identified  several  areas  of  need  and improvement that cannot be ignored. Drawing from findings, the study provides specific implications and recommendations for actions to be taken in order to enhance teacher quality and effectiveness.




Key words: Teacher education, Palestinian teacher training, global education

عنوان المؤتمر
Hawaii International Conference on Education
دولة المؤتمر
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
تاريخ المؤتمر
6 يوليو، 2018 - 16 يوليو، 2018
راعي المؤتمر
جامعة هاواي
معلومات إضافية
موقع المؤتمر الإلكتروني