Toward Mobile AR-Based Interactive Smart Parking System
نوع المنشور
ورقة/ملخص في مؤتمر منشورة في مجلة علمية محكمة

Nowadays, the diverse increasing in the population of cities as well as the increasing number of private vehicles are considered as the most emerging challenges for the current parking infrastructure. Moreover, in our everyday life, searching for available parking space consumes reasonable amount of oil in addition to the driver time and efforts. Furthermore, the management process for parking lots becomes difficult and not cost effective. So, there is an increasing demand for smart parking system that is interactive, flexible, attractive, efficient and cost effective. Due to the fast growth of technology, augmented reality (AR) applications play a vital role in different areas, since this type of applications provides better user experience and interaction. Therefore, it seems evident that engaging the AR in the smart parking systems will be a promising idea. Such that, the guidance information will be provided to the driver based on the analysis of the scenes that are captured by smart phones cameras. In addition, the interaction with the driver will be through augmented objects that will appear at the available parking spaces. Therefore, in this paper, an attractive marker less AR-based smart parking system is proposed.

2018 IEEE 20th International Conference
2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 16th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 4th Intl. Conference on Data Science and SystemsAt: Exeter, UK
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