دراسة مقارنة مع أو بدون استخدام سويقة الثرب في الكلاب
نوع المنشور
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Esophagotomy or esophagectomy & esophageal anastomosis are performed using different suturing techniques that result in stenosis or leakage which are fatal when the operation was in the thorax.

28 local adult dogs of both sexes were divided randomly in two equal groups, every group had 3 animal for each experimental times (one week, two week, one month, three months),and the other 4 animals were used to study the normal histological structure of the esophagus after thoracotomy using one animal for each time point.

· The untreated group: - Esophageal anastomosis was done by using interrupted horizontal mattress as first raw and simple continuous as second raw, it contain 12 animals.

· The treated group: -The same suturing techniques were used as in untreated group but fold of omental pedicle was used at the site of the anastomosis, it contains 12 animals.

 The animals were followed up clinically, radiographically, grossly & histopathologically for the site of the anastomosis.

 The result indicates that first row (interrupted horizontal mattress) has no effect on the esophageal stenosis, and the second row (simple continuous) protects the esophagus from leakage. While using omental pedicle fold around the anastomotic site promote healing by 60 days less than the untreated group.

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