Geospatial Implications Assessment of Zahrat Al Finjan Solid Waste Landfill, North of West Bank, Palestine
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Finding suitable sites for landfills is one of the most difficult tasks in solid
waste management. The sanitary landfill site selection must address social,
environmental and technical concerns. This work aims at assessing the
geospatial implications posed by the current Zahrat Al Finjan (ZF) landfill
disposal site, located in the north of the West Bank in Jenin districts. GISbased
assessment was employed for different criteria including geology,
soil, slope, land use, and stream network. This paper focuses on the
assessment of ZF landfill potential environmental impacts on groundwater,
sensitive ecosystems, rural areas and land use. The existing soil mantle at
the landfill site consisting of clay and marly clay is influenced natural
attenuation of the leachate infiltration. Nevertheless, uncontrolled
accumulation of the leachate and the absence of a properly treated
collection system pose potential contamination risk to shallow
groundwater aquifer in the future. Also, gas produced from the landfill is
not vented and so leaves from the cover and poses fire risk, and as
dissolved in the leachate causes unpleasant odors. Spread of flies,
mosquitoes, bird droppings, rodents and spread of stray dogs are other
negative impacts of the poorly operated landfill. Monitoring systems and
recommendations are proposed in this paper.

IUG Journal of Natural Studies
Islamic University-Gaza
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