Flipped classrom in learning oral comprehension and expression of French language
نوع المنشور
ورقة مؤتمر

The flipped classroom is an approach of education rethinking and flipping what is done inside and outside the classroom. (Berrett's 2012). This strategy enhances learner- centered learning. It is a tool for the teacher that can be adapted according to the intended learning outcomes. In our study, students using for the first time this strategy in a blended course of oral comprehension and expression of French as a foreign language were surveyed. Through a questionnaire and a focus group discussion, we aimed to find out how students perceive this flipping and assess the benefits and shortness of this approach in their eyes. Results revealed the following findings: First of all, the flipped class strategy provided openness (Jézégou 2005) at many levels: organization of learning (time, place …); openness of content and methods (various language resources); social openness (social relation and communication, better teamwork …) and personal openness (ratio and role of teacher- learner). Moreover, it raised the needed intellectual capacity of learners (according to Bloom’s taxonomy). Finally, participants highlighted the long time and effort this method took from them. However, they underlined that they found themselves more active than ever: “responsible, researchers, self- teachers, more motived and motivating, and self-paced learner”.

عنوان المؤتمر
The Second International Conference for Learning and Teaching in the Digital World \ Smart Learning
دولة المؤتمر
تاريخ المؤتمر
29 مارس، 2017 - 30 مارس، 2017
راعي المؤتمر
معلومات إضافية
موقع المؤتمر الإلكتروني