The Evolution of GIS as a Land Use Planning Conflict Resolution Tool: A Chronological Approach
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This paper argues that there is a reciprocal relationship between the emerging planning approaches and the GIS techniques adopted in the land use planning process. Such relationship is explained by providing an extensive literature review on the evolution of the GIS and the history of planning theories including the rational, advocacy, communicative, and multiculturalism approaches. The paper gives special emphasis to the types of conflict involved in the various planning perspectives. The conceptual scheme reflects the chronological developments in GIS technologies and techniques used in the land conflict resolution as related to the shifts in the planning theories from 1960s onward. The proposed framework is focused on two main guiding principles: 1) the conflict in the land use planning process and 2) the GIS techniques used to handle such conflict. The first principle, which emphasizes the land use planning as a multi-actor process, often triggers interest driven and cognitive types of conflict. The second principle predominantly views the role of GIS as a conflict resolution tool ever since it was invented in the early 1960s. The paper concludes that as the planning process moved from technical orientation to the highly participatory approach, the level of conflict dramatically increased as a result of involving more stakeholders whose values and desired outcomes had to be reflected in the plan making process. Such shifts in planning perspectives significantly influenced the developments in the adopted GIS techniques overtime. These techniques became more advanced and sophisticated in response to the rising levels of conflict in the planning process.
American Journal of Geographic Information System 3(1): 38-44
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