The effect of water stress induced on cell membrane stability was examined in two plants, (Hordeum vulgare L) and Pearlmilletusingplant growth promotion(PGPR). Brackish water as byproduct from reverse osmosis plant (RO) after desalination process, considered as unfriendly environmentally impact and affects agriculture growth. It contains significant concentrations of dissolved salts ions such as Na+, Cl- , Ca2+, Mg2+, K1+, SO2-, and CO32- as major ions. Total dissolved salts (TDS) of these ions ranged from (5000 mg/L -10000 mg/L). Salt ions accumulation was found to be increased in shoots of barly and pearlmillet (159.09mmol, 179.73mmol) /0.114m2 of pots while TDS for decant water decreased to reach (0.101 mg/L). Electrolyte leakage assay showed that plant treated with PGPRs resulted in same values for trials treated with fresh water and less electrolyte leakage from membrane equal to 304 mg/L. The novel results of this research study that carried for the first time where PGPRs Pseudomonas putida (UW3 and UW4) had been used for improving the phytoremediation activities of two salt tolerant plants: Barley (Hordeum valgare L.) and Pearlmillet plants had showed a very clear and significant improvements of high salt uptake and thus high phytoremediation activities of these plants once they were treated with PGPRs.