A total of 720 eggs were purchased from three different places : super markets, public markets, and broiler selling shops, were examined for shell cleanliness, Haugh unit, yolk color, and shell thickness. Price per kg egg mass was also calculated for the three different consumer channels mentioned above. Source of eggs found to have a significant effect on egg weight, Hugh unit and price per kg egg mass. Eggs obtained from super markets had significantly (P < 0.05) the lowest weight, the highest (P < 0.01) percentage of weight class 'small' and 'pewee1, and stained, checked eggs. Similarly, eggs from super markets had the lowest interior quality. However, these eggs were of more shell thickness and the more prices per egg mass unit. Most of the eggs tested were of grade (AA) in regard to the interior quality. However, eggs obtained from the broiler selling shops had the highest percentages of the 'jumbo' and the 'extra large' grades.