Relationships of Productive Life Evaluations with Changes in Evaluations for Yields
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بحث أصيل
  • J.M. Abdallah
  • B.T. McDaniel
  • M.J. Tabbaa
The objective of this work was to investigate the relationships of productive life with changes in bull evaluations for yield traits. Two datasets were analyzed. In the first, predicted differences for change in milk yield from first to second lactation of daughters of artificial insemination (AI) Holstein bulls used widely in the southeastern United States were available from a previous study. These were correlated with predicted transmitting abilities (PTA) of productive life from May 2000 USDA sire evaluations. Based on bulls with at least 10 daughters (n = 560) the correlation of PTA productive life with predicted differences for the change in milk yield was 0.30. The correlation increased to 0.36 for bulls with at least 50 daughters (n = 319) and to 0.40 for bulls with at least 75 daughters (n = 284). The second analysis included data on 1831 AI sampled Holstein bulls evaluated by USDA between July 1989 and May 2000. Changes in PTA yields were calculated as PTA from evaluations based on first and second records of daughters minus those from first-record evaluations. Correlation analyses showed that PTA yields from first-record evaluation and changes in PTA yields were positively associated with productive life. Regression coefficients on changes in PTA yields were all positive indicating that increases in PTA for yield traits as daughters aged corresponded with longer productive life. Using changes in AI bull evaluations for yields could improve prediction of productive life for little cost. (Key words: correlations, predicted transmitting abilities, productive life)
Journal of Dairy Science Volume 85, Issue 3, Pages 677–681
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