المزدوج الحركي في العربية بين الوهم والحقيقة
نوع المنشور
بحث أصيل
  • Saeed Shawaahni
النص الكامل
تتناول هذه الدراسة مصطلح الحركة المزدوجة ،ومدى تمثل العربية له ،وتبنت الدراسة رأيا مغايرا لما جاء عند علماء اللغة المحدثين إذ نفت الدراسة وجود حركة مزدوجة في العربية

This study investigates the definition of the phonological term Diphthong.and the possible existence of this sound combination in the Arabic phonology Literature departing from the work of contemporary Arab linguists who exhausted themselves in imposing this concept on the study of Arabic inflectionswas explained and found to be existing due to sheer imitation of western linguists and their research methodologies and not because it was related tothe significance of this term or its actual existence. The study clearly shows that the diphthong doesnt exist in Arabic phonology. The researcher based his.arguments on the clarification of the function that inflections play in Arabic It is then believed that from a phonological perspective, inflections which are usually placed on top of the syllable and Diphthong, however, are never placed as such. Moreover, a Diphthong is usually defined as a movement or .variation in sound production between two sounds in one sy

مجلة جامعة القدس المفتوحة العدد الثالث عشر - رجب 1429 هـ / حزيران 2008م
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