Shaping the Engineering Qualifications for Improving Living Standards and Resources Efficiency
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النص الكامل

This paper aims at summarizing the results of the survey for determining the qualifications need of local industry in Palestine. It comes as an output of the first work package named “Identify stakeholders, their needs and education and training contents in Palestine” of the Tempus project called “Middle Eastern Partnership in Sustainable Engineering” with acronym (ME-Eng). The project aims to enhance the value creation of the Palestinian industries by providing qualified engineers who are able to design and develop sustainable products and processes. Master program in Sustainable Production and Quality Engineering, and Education & Training centers will be considered as demonstrator of the project. Education & Training centers will enhance the cooperation with local industries by providing Lifelong learning short courses. In order to achieve the goals of this work package, a questionnaire has been prepared and distributed in the local Palestinian industries. The results of the questionnaire showed the need for highly qualified professionals in advanced areas of production, quality, and sustainable engineering. This sits in motion the need to establish master program in sustainable production and quality engineering and Education & Training centers.
Shaping the Engineering Qualifications for Improving Living Standards and Resources Efficiency. Available 

proceedings of the 10th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, page 645, 31st October-02nd November 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
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