Opening up the gamification black box: effects of students’ personality traits and perception of game elements on their engaged behaviors in a gamified course
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Several studies highlight the efects of gamifcation on behavioral changes in education. Furthermore, the students’ personality traits were shown to be an important factor on the diferent levels of perception of educational gamifcation systems. However, despite the importance of considering personality in educational gamifcation, little is known about how students with various personality traits may perceive game elements, resulting in different engaged behaviors. Therefore, to cover this research gap, this study presents and validates a model to elucidate how personality can afect students’ perceptions of game elements leading to diferent engaged behaviors in a gamifed course. To test the research hypotheses, an experiment was conducted in a public university with ffty-six students who took an online gamifed course. The students’ personality traits and perception towards the used game elements were collected using self-report methods along with their interaction log data within the gamifed course, and then analyzed. The results showed that diferent efects of personality traits were found on students’ perception of game elements, which led to diferent engaged behaviors. Specifcally, despite the efect of agreeableness, conscientiousness and neuroticism personality traits on students’ perception of points, no efect was found on students’ behaviors in the gamifed course. Additionally, no efect of personality was found on students’ perceptions of badges and the leaderboard. However, these two game elements afected students’ engaged behaviors in the gamifed course. Specifcally, badges afected problem-solving and online study related behaviors, and the leaderboard afected students’ problem-solving related behaviors. These fndings could ofer implications to diferent stakeholders (e.g., researchers, teachers and gamifcation designers) on how to motivate and engage students with diferent personality traits in a gamifed course.

Technology, Knowledge and Learning
بلد الناشر
Thomson Reuters
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