Factors Affecting Customers Satisfaction with Islamic Banking Services in Palestine
نوع المنشور
بحث أصيل
  • Sam Abd Al-Qadir ALFOQAHAA
النص الكامل
Key words: The quality of banking services, corporate image, trust in banks, Islamic banks, customer satisfaction. Abstract This study aims to explain the impact of the perceived quality of Islamic banking services with all of its dimensions, the role of Islamic banks’ perceived image by customers, and customers trust on their satisfaction with the services offered by Islamic banks. This would provide the opportunity to reach results and recommendations that can help in improving the competitive position of Islamic banks. The study tested three main hypotheses, focusing on the impact and relationship between the abovementioned factors and customers’ satisfaction with the services offered by Islamic banks in Palestine. The study’s population consisted of customers of some of the Islamic banks operating in the cities of three major governorates in the West Bank. Data was collected using the convenience sampling method which consisted of 376 customers taking into consideration the limited ability to generalize the results of the research among all of the study’s population due to the use of this kind of sampling. The following are the results of the study: • There was a statistically significant impact of the collective dimensions of Islamic banking services’ quality variable on the satisfaction of customers with these banks. Regarding the effect of each dimension individually, the results have shown that there was a statistically significant impact of reliability and assurance on customers’ satisfaction with the services offered by Islamic banks. However, there was no statistically significant impact of the tangibility, responsiveness and empathy variables. • A statistically significant impact for the study’s collective independent variables was found (The quality of Islamic banking services, trust and corporate image). The study provided a number of recommendations which aim to increase the interest of Islamic banks in the marketing aspects of Islamic banking operations, working to improve the quality of their services, and acknowledging the need to adopt new Islamic investment instruments.
Jordan Journal of Business Administration 8(2):236- 263 · January 2012
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