In recent years, there has been growing interest in the use of thyme and oregano essential oils in feed formulations to promote growth in chicken broilers. Thyme and oregano essential oils are considered promising ingredients to replace antibiotics as growth promotors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of thyme and oregano essential oils on growth performance, broiler health, and the incidence of muscle abnormalities at different slaughter ages. This study showed that the addition of thyme and oregano essential oils, individually or in combination, significantly increased body weight compared to the control group. Thyme and oregano essential oils improved the feed conversion factor, which indicates lower feed intake (feed intake did not change according to our results) with higher meat production. Muscle abnormalities increased with the addition of thyme and oregano essential oils to broiler diets, which could be due to the increase in the growth rate. In conclusion, the inclusion of thyme and oregano oils in broiler chicken feed resulted in an improvement in the growth performance of broiler chickens.