شبكة الزلازل الفلسطينية الحديثة
نوع المنشور
ورقة مؤتمر

Palestine includes part of the Dead Sea Transform fault system (DST), which separates the Arabian plate and the Sinai Block of the African Plate. The DST is a keystone of tectonic feature, which controls the tectonic evolution of the Middle East region since the Miocene era. A Palestinian seismic network (PSN) started in 2012.  The nucleus of the PSN consists of seven stations. These stations have been provided for several projects, mainly; DESERVE project-GFZ and USAID-MERC projects (30-023 and 31-017). The network operator is still in progress. The data sharing and exchange with the neighboring countries and global waveform banks (such as GEOFON) needs more extra time. Studies of historical earthquakes of the past few thousand years, paleoseismic and instrumental earthquake studies since about 100 years improve that a number of damaging earthquakes have occurred along the DST, such as the Jericho earthquake of magnitude about 6.3 and the Dead Sea earthquake of magnitude 5.2 have occurred on July 11, 1927 and February 11, 2004, respectively. The continuous seismic studies of the DST are of great importance to understand the geodynamic developments in the region. Over the past few years, we worked intensively to have accurate locations of the earthquakes in the DST and the marine area of the Eastern Mediterranean. The routine earthquake location in the region is not stable, and the reasons behind that are using several parameters, like the velocity model, and the Vp/Vs ration. The above-mentioned and others parameters have directly affected the accuracy of earthquake locations.

عنوان المؤتمر
The XXXVII International Workshop on Seismicity and Seismic Hazard Mitigation in the Extended Mediterranean Region
دولة المؤتمر
تاريخ المؤتمر
4 ديسمبر، 2017 - 7 ديسمبر، 2017
راعي المؤتمر
معلومات إضافية
موقع المؤتمر الإلكتروني