The Effect of Education for Future Program on Teachers' Competencies in a Public School
نوع المنشور
بحث أصيل
النص الكامل

The current study aimed to explore the effect of the Education for Future program on the practices of female teachers in a public school. The study participants were six female teachers form an elementary school. Besides, the study aimed to answer two main research questions. First, what is the effect of the education for future program on the educational practices of female teachers in public schools? Second, what are the challenges that face the female teachers who were involved in the program? Data collection was done through interviews with the participants, as well as class observations. Data analysis used the thematic coding to analyze data. The results of the research revealed that the program developed teachers' competencies since it improved their teaching styles, teaching methods and strategies, as well as their assessment strategies. Furthermore, it developed the teachers' classroom management, their technology integration in the classes, the students' interaction, and the students' values and attitudes. Besides, the results showed that the teachers faced challenges while implementing the project, such as how to introduce the new strategies and methods to their students, and how to use technology effectively. However, the results showed that the teachers could overcome those challenges by cooperation and asking for help and support.

Universal Journal of Educational Research
Horizon Research Publishing
بلد الناشر
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
معامل التأثير
نوع المنشور
مطبوع فقط
2890 - 2897