أثر الحصة السوقية للبنوك المدرجة في بورصة فلسطين على الأداء المالي
نوع المنشور
بحث أصيل

This study deals with the issue of the impact of the market share in banks listed on the Palestine Stock Exchange on financial performance, and the research relied on the quantitative analytical method for its suitability of the nature of this study, to analyze data for the years between 2011 - 2018, and the study also relied on testing the data collected from the lists Financial Banks whose financial statements are listed on the Palestine Securities Exchange during the period 2011-2018 in order to show the effect between the dependent variable and the independent variable, and the following are the results of the study:

1.the market share of the deposits has no effect on the return on  assets.

2. the market share of credit facilities has no effect on the return on  assets.

3.there is an effect of capital in Palestinian banks on the returnon assets.











Depending on the results that were analyzed based on the analysis of the data of the banks listed on the Palestine Exchange in the period between (2011-2018), some recommendations can be included as follows:

  1. Working to raise the levels of performance in Palestinian banks, which requires continuous development and modernization of banking services.
  2. Searching for more effective regulatory solutions, within a broader set of financial services,  provided by banks other than direct credit  facilities.

Directing banks to adopt competitive price and non-price strategies to attract more customer deposits that are characterized by a high degree of stability in their account balances and lower intrest rates because they have a role in regulating banking performance

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