This research was aimed to assess the photosynthetic activities of barley (Hordeum valgare L.), clover
(Trifolium repens L.), and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) under different saline conditions
with two strains of Pseudomonas putida (UW3 and UW4) treatments. An exceptional
observation was revealed on barley biomass ratio (288.8%) that irrigated with brackish saline water
(10,000mg/L) with the presence of P. putida UW4 strain. In general, P. putida UW3 strain was significantly
increased crops biomass ratio (249.4%, 202.1%, and 212.5%) for barley, pearl millet, and
clover, respectively, which were irrigated with 10,000 mg/L brackish saline water. Plant root and
shoot systems were significantly increased in their length and weight reflecting the improvement
of plants’ photosynthetic activities under salt stress conditions with the presence of P. putida
strains. The results from pulse amplitude modulation fluorometry showed that the plants were
recovered from the saline stress effect once P. putida strains were applied. The outcome of this
research was highly recommended to apply P. putida strains (UW3 and UW4) with field crops for
phytoremediation, in particular, where salinity (soil and/or brackish water) was environmentally