ابراهيم الزهير
طبيعة العمل
استاذ مساعد
البريد الإلكتروني
[email protected]

ابراهيم الزهير

طبيعة العمل
استاذ مساعد
البريد الإلكتروني
[email protected]
علم الأدوية البيطرية - 10901307
Course Title
علم الأدوية البيطرية
Course Number
Instructor Name
ابراهيم الزهير
Contact Information
[email protected]
Semester(s) and academic year(s)
First Semester 0
Compulsory / Elective
Course Description

This course deals with the principles of drug action, including pharmacokinetics, mode of action, drug interactions, major side effects and important drug toxicities.  Emphasis is placed on the general principles of drugs that alter tissue and system functions and antimicrobial and antiparasitic drugs, the effects of common toxic chemicals, plants and poisons on animals with special emphasis on clinical manifestation, diagnosis prevention and treatments

Course Objectives
  • To understand pharmacokinetic factors influence the drug response                                                                                  
  • To understand the classification of drugs acting on the different body systems and the receptor mechanisms by which drugs induce a biochemical/physiologic response.
  • To understand the use of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Analgesic and Antipyretic Drugs                                               
  • To introduce the major classes of diuretic drugs, their action, toxicity and clinical use.
  • To prepare you to learn to use antimicrobials in a clinical environment.                                                                            
  • Cover the drugs against nematodes including heartworms, cestodes, trematodes, arthropods and protozoans (especially coccidia).                                                                                 
  • The use of antifungal drugs (systemic and topical)
Intended learning Outcomes and Competences
Textbook and References
Assessment Criteria
Activity Percent (%)