A Novel Approach for the Comprehensive Evaluation of Management Information Systems Performance: A Theoretical Framework
Publication Type
Original research

Management information systems (MIS) play an active role in the computerization of managerial processes and in solving the managerial problems of various managerial organizations and entities. They also play a crucial role in providing the information needed by the top management in organizations to make informed decisions. Therefore, there is a pressing need to evaluate the performance of MIS due to its significant outcomes.

Multiple methodologies have emerged for evaluating the performance of MIS. The Six Sigma methodology focuses on assessing the quality of MIS, while the Critical Success Factors (CSF) methodology evaluates their performance in achieving the goals of the managerial organizations. Additionally, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) methodology assesses the performance of MIS in terms of the costs associated with their use.

Furthermore, the Balanced Scorecard methodology analyzes the performance of MIS from multiple perspectives, including internal processes, financial aspects, customers, development, and innovation.

The success of evaluating the performance of MIS using any of such methodologies does not necessarily mean that the system is ideal in its work; the MIS may succeed in one standard and fail in another.

Consequently, the body of knowledge about MIS performance evaluation still needs a comprehensive methodological approach to ascertain MIS operational efficacy.

This approach seeks to ensure the optimal functionality of MIS in managerial organizations. Thus, this study endeavors to present a comprehensive approach to evaluating MIS performance.

The 6th Joint Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Business and Communication - An-Najah National University and the School of Business - The University of Jordan
An-Najah National University
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